How to add your listing to our Event Technology Directory

Every month we connect with thousands of event planners via our website, social media and email campaigns. List in our Event Technology Directory and Guide and benefit from this captive audience.


1|  Create an account if you do not already have one. Click here to create your Account

2| Browse the list below to determine the category or categories in which your listing will appear.

[gd_cpt_categories post_type=gd_technology title=”Event Technology Categories” cpt_left=1 sort_by=’az’]

3| Determine which listing package best meets your category selection, information sharing and visibility needs. View Pricing Packages for Technology Listings here

4| Log in using your user account.

5| Click here to select the desired package and fill out the form following any instructions provided.  When complete, submit the listing.  You will see a preview of your listing at this stage. If you are sure you have finished then complete the submission process.  You can return at any time to edit or upgrade the listing after it has been published.


Alicia Roachford Brathwaite
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