With the progress that has been made by Ontario in the percentage of persons with 1st and 2nd vaccinations, it has been announced that the province will be entering into Step 3 of the reopening five days earlier than previously scheduled.
On July 16th, 2021 additional indoor services with a larger number of people will be permitted. These will include:-
Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events are permitted to have a maximum of 100 people.
Indoor social gatherings and organized public events are permitted for a maximum of 25 people.
There will be indoor dining with no limits to the number of persons per table.
Indoor religious services, rites or ceremony gatherings are permitted with physical distancing.
Museums, casinos and bingo halls are allowed to be open with capacity limits.
Cinemas, concert, theatres, and other performing arts venues are also allowed with capacity limits.
A complete list of what is included in Step 3 can be found here.